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Calling all clever crafters! Does rust and weathered wood get your attention along with other quirky things? Are you a creative "upcycler" with a knack for turning trash into treasure? If so come join us on July 17th at the Avoca Farmer’s Market for our TRASH to CASH fundraiser.

$100 will go to the person whose project brings in the highest bid. Invite your friends to the auction at the Farmers Market on August 21, 2024.

Here's how it works:

  • For just $20 paid in CASH, you can choose from a selection of intriguing junk items.
  • Take your finds home and turn those creative juices on to make something we’ll all want to fight over at a silent auction.
  • Return your masterpiece no later than Aug 7 by calling Janet Graham at 712-307-0493.
  • Finished items will be displayed at various Avoca businesses for 2 weeks ahead of the auction on Aug 21.
  • Even if you're not crafty and don't want to make something come see us at the Farmer’s Market on Aug 21. You might just go home with a one-of-a-kind treasure!

Click this link for a complete list of rules and instructions.

 All proceeds will go to the Avoca Veterans’ Community Center.

We can't wait to see your creations!